5/19/2024 The Gray to Stay Revolution

The Gray to Stay revolution has been in full effect for some time now.  Us Silver/Gray/White Haired Sisters come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.  Some of us are single.  Some of us are married.  Some of us, retired and some of us still working.   Regardless of what beautiful package we come in, we are here to serve up a message – Ageism ends now!  All kinds of “isms” are fought against in this world, but the one ism that literally effects EVERYONE is one of the final isms to finally go!  Are you still ageist?  When you see a woman that is not dying her hair, it could be for any number of reasons, but one of those reasons might be to serve up a statement.  The biggest reason is that we want to be free from those hair dying shackles!  See her!  Hear her!  She is you and you are her!   It’s OK to dye your hair, ladies, but it’s OK not to as well.


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