5/27/2024 A Moment or Change That is Hoped and Planned For . . .

A moment or a change that is hoped and planned for, like standing in front of the Grand Canyon, a second honeymoon in St. Augustine, or to live on a sailboat, will probably never ever compare to the memories that are created while hoping and planning for such happenings.  Going through my clothes tonight, throwing things out and putting some aside for charity, I came across these old overalls that I made.  I actually had a dream to make different colored overalls in all sorts of designs and to sell them on our future live-aboard sail boat.  I thanked Jeff tonight for not ruining this dream of mine and to just let me go through the motions.  We learned how to tie nautical knots.  We researched sailboats and prices for slips.  We bought books on sailing.  I researched how to store things on a boat and how to protect things from humidity and mold.   I even started reading books on marine diesel engines.   We also thought about and researched what we could do to earn a living while on this boat.  All this hoping and planning went on for a few years.  This dream never became a reality and it probably never will at this point, but I’m OK with that.  I have so many wonderful images in my head and a ton of beautiful memories that were made just from hoping and planning for this change.  Truly, it is almost like I lived this dream.  The mind is truly a powerful thing.

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