Most Excellent!

Contrary to what many think, Keanu Reeves was not the first to righteously vocalize the word “excellent.”  Check out this actor from the movie Glass Bottom Boat at 27:40 who was way ahead of his time!


Despite the many “isms” of this 1960s flick as well as the fact that the female protagonist hates hates hates the male protagonist but the minute she finds out he’s filthy rich, we all hear wedding bells!  UGH!   Nevertheless, I really enjoy watching this movie!  It’s one of my all time favorites because of the mid-century architecture, the fabulous wicker chairs and the uke playing on the porch of Doris’s screen dad (a porch with a view of Avalon Bay no  less), the fun scenes taken at the male protagonist’s place of business, which is reminiscent of a 1950s NASA space center.  Doris’s screen dad is a Glass Bottom Boat captain and she entertains his passengers  swimming underneath his glass bottom boat in a mermaid costume.  How cool is that?!  It is, indeed, most “excellent!”.

If any one out there ever finds another movie that has all of these same qualities, please let me know!

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