Par for the Course

Homoerotic version of the Last Supper in the Olympics’ opening ceremony?  That’s just par for the course.  This world is still on track.  My faith continues to grow stronger the darker I see this world get.

“This is wrong, Tina!  You should not bash the gay community. You are a not a nice person, Tina!”  Continually, time and time again, many in the gay community, and in the general secular world, mock our King, Jesus Christ and Biblical things they just do not understand, because they are deceived by what their faulty eyes show them.  I do not hate anyone.  Jesus Christ has given me the Spirit of love, and He is teaching me how to learn to forgive.  But I do HATE when people are ugly just to be ugly or because they think it’s funny or clever. I HATE the evil things people do and this includes those evil things that are done in the secular world and that come out of the worldly churches as well.  I hate when people preach tolerance and the spirit of coexisting but then turn around and mock Jesus Christ.  God gives all of us free will and each and everyone of us is a sinner, especially me.  There is not one of us that is good, so for anyone to point fingers at anyone in the gay community, for example, and to cast aspersions on them, I believe, is wrong.  But I do know what God’s Good WOrd teaches me about all things in this world, but the number one thing Jesus Christ wants us to do is to tell people to go to Him.  It is not up to us to judge people.  It is up to us to tell people to go to Jesus Christ.  He is the one with the answers.  I stand up for the Holy Word and Son of God.  I do it without being extreme in doing it and I do it without hate or revenge in my heart.  I am simply trying to get the correct information out into this heavily deceived world. I would not be much of a believer if I did not do these things, right?

Update:  It turns out that this spectacle at the Olympic opening ceremony may have been an homage to a Greek god, but I believe it is clear that Jesus Christ was being mocked one way or another.  Why go there for the Olympic games?  Why do that?

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