World vs Word

I thank God for the fact that I grew up in an Internet free world, so that all my mistakes were not published for all to see (and boy, have there been a great number of them – many that I am so ashamed of.  I truly feel bad for children that have to grow up in this Internet world).   I also thank God for letting me make it to the beautiful age of 53, so that I can finally drop those shackles of youth and start truly living – free from the cumbersome worries and insecurities that being young entails in this 2 second cursed world.  Someone once said to me, “but you have a husband…”, referring to me being happy and secure.  God could take Jeff from me at any second and I will still be fulfilled, because God has showed me what true love is (which is merely a sign of things to come) and I know I will see Jeff again (we will no longer be married to one another but we will remember one another), and most importantly, I now have the “Great Comforter” to help me through my days.  There is NO peace in this world without Jesus Christ, the Holy Living Word and Son of God.  Regardless of the facade that Social Media presents, there is NO peace for anyone without God.  xoxoxo

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